I was at the Salvation Army store and saw this gorgeous set: table, Lshaped benches and one straight bench. It had $150.00 tag on it.
Now that is a little steep for me for second hand furniture and the back wasn't even finished. It fit in a corner but the place I would have put it, the unfiished part would have shown. I STILL WANTED IT! I figured I could sand it and varnish the part that wasn't done and it would work out ok. BUT, I left it there.
The next day, I went back and it was sold!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was kinda upset with myself. I don't need a dining table tho -- was going to put all my old computers on it. . . lol
The day after that was Saturday and they had a big sale for 50 per cent off and the set was back -- returned because of a minor crack on it and the price was lowered to 80 dollars. I decided that was the clue for me to buy it. I went and bought my lighthouse for my bathroom on a shelf in the other room and then came back and it was GONE! Someone had beat me to it! BIG SIGH. I hope they enjoy having it as much as I would have. . . I still have the memory and photo!