Tuesday, April 14, 2009

6 Tall benches around the tree

I usually walk on the other side of the street when I visit my friend, Myrl. This week, I decided to try the other side of the street and just as I was going to cut across to catch a bus on a side street, I spotted these! I could not believe how one can miss 6 benches just by walking across the street. . . probably, I was so tired by time as I went to see Myrl, walking up and down hills and BACK TOO that I just headed straight for the bus. It was a neat discovery that day. I wonder if just one or two people sit there and move around depending on the sun or something. They certainly could have a group chatting to all.


Malyss said...

Sometimes, the simple fact to change our point of view makes a great difference! Interesting, the way those benches are turning around the tree!It is home made, no doubt on this. Maybe made for a big family?

Rune Eide said...

Draping a tree with benches - that's a new one! A bit difficult to talk to one on the other side of the tree, though.