I spotted this bench in a consignment store. (Yes, it was the same place I found the mini bench and others.) It was covered in pillows and I wanted to take a photo of it, so I removed them and got a double blessing. . .

This is what it looked like and I fell in love with it and wanted to buy it although I really have no place to put it -- have to squeeze in the bench I bought at the Farmers Market as it is! THEN, I noticed that the seat was removable so I pulled it up to see if it folded or something like my bench at home does and found out it had . . .

a reversible seat with cushions built in! Isn't it a neat bench?
I went home that night after the Art Walk downtown and thought and thought of how I could bring yet another bench home. I really had no room for it BUT I loved it! I considered using part of the money I have saved to either fix my computer or get a new one. . . THEN, I went back to the store the next day and looked at it again and took the above photo because I had blurred the last one (I am really good at blurring photos with my new camera. . . sigh)
I took the pillows off again and looked it over really well and then I found that on the left side (facing the bench) it had a split piece of board near the top and would be weak and certainly not worth 200 plus dollars when they added the tax on.
I said goodbye to a bench I wish I could have brought home with me. . . :o(