I live in a tiny apartment on the 8th floor. I don't really have room for a bench inside my apartment but I wanted one so I bought the smallest one at the Farmers Market. A local man from Ridgefield made it and he put a metal plate with his name on the bottom of it. It is beautifully handcafted and I have shown many of his benches on this blog before but not this one because I was saving it for some day special. Today is that day! My bench "revealing" makes the day special!
I usually have it by the window so I can sit and watch the sunset at night and sunrise in the morning. Sometimes, I put it in front of my big wooden desk. I did not have room to photograph it in my apartment so I took some scatter rugs and placed it in the hall and did it there. I took many angles of it. I hope you like it as much as I do. He told me to use lemon oil on it to keep it nice.

I laid it on its side so you could see the bottom of it and how it is constructed with screws that lets it fold down if I wanted to store it for the winter if used as a patio bench or front porch bench.

This is a side view and the lighter wood underneath is not so obvious to the naked eye. This bench has three shades of the wood.

Trying very hard to show you my bench and not the ugly hall carpet. It is only 34 inches long and 14 inches wide. It is as tall as a normal bench.