Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Bus stop picnic benches

I went to the doctor to get a prescription about two weeks ago. On the way home, I waited here at the bus stop. The last time I was at this bus stop, there was no place to sit. NOW, I can even have lunch if I want to!!!!!!!!!! I have no idea how the bench got there but it was a welcome relief to have a place to sit after walking a bit to the doctor's.


Rune Eide said...

I wish we had bus stops like that! :-)

Gallow said...

What a great idea!!

Malyss said...

simple, but very useful!I wonder where this bus stop is..are you really in a town?..

Gerald (Ackworth born) said...

Our bus-stop benches are usually made of metal and are mostly too hot (in summer) or too cold (in winter) for sitting comfortably on.

PERBS said...

This is in the rural part of our unimcorporated city. That is the bus stop -- the bus sign is the pole to the right of the photo. This is a one of a kind bus stop, made by an individual unknown to me. Our bus shelters are large plastic and metal booths with a bench for two and space or a wheel chair in them. They have plastic sides to see through. Many have murals painted on the back to discourage graffiti.